

2016m. ,,MemorY” – probably the most emotional collection of the designer, Indra Dovydėnaitė, which, according to the author, can be called a retrospective of life. From a childhood, the returning projection of black and white memories – old pictures – has long been a reflection of images that have become tangible works in mind.
Photographs and memories for the author are not only a source of inspiration, but also a symbol of emotional identity. The words encoded in the title, as if they were talking about the idea of the collection itself and telling the silly story that the author presented with the thread, and the pink tones interspersed with the achromatic gamma, like the folding of the photo corners, brings a long history of the past.


2016m. ,,MemorY” – probably the most emotional collection of the designer, Indra Dovydėnaitė, which, according to the author, can be called a retrospective of life. From a childhood, the returning projection of black and white memories – old pictures – has long been a reflection of images that have become tangible works in mind.
Photographs and memories for the author are not only a source of inspiration, but also a symbol of emotional identity. The words encoded in the title, as if they were talking about the idea of the collection itself and telling the silly story that the author presented with the thread, and the pink tones interspersed with the achromatic gamma, like the folding of the photo corners, brings a long history of the past.

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